Hannah Steinberg
With your help, we can expand our project and help reach even more people!
"My grandparents always taught me that you have to be able to give because you will never know when you'll be in need" - Hannah Steinberg
Our Coupons Care couldn't have come this far without the help of our amazing supporters! Join in our project, Our Coupons Care, and become a supporter!
Hannah Steinberg, founder of Our Coupons Care, has been featured in multiple newspapers and has won several awards!
Since our first delivery, Our Coupons Care has donated over $136,000 worth of goods to various locations!
But, with a buy one get one free coupon paired with a store promotion of buy two get one free and a $4 off a 10 purchase...
We bought 30 chocolate bars for $6.00! A total savings of 87%!